
You have questions. wE have answers.

Below is a summary of some key terms of this Privacy Policy. This summary is for your reference only and does not form part of the Privacy Policy. We are committed to protecting your personal information when you take part in our courses and website services and we want you to be confident that your personal information is safe and secure with us. This Privacy Policy explains the following:

How we collect your personal information?

As part of the registration process andor payment process, information is recorded for administration purposes only..

What personal information do we collect?

We collect Name, Surname, Email Address and anything additional you want to add as part of your profileregistration process.

How we use your personal information?

We only require a minimum of information to help us administer your account. This will usually be the purpose to verify your account if your email password reset becomes an issue. Eg. You lose access to your email.

The rights and choices you have when it comes to your personal information

The use of our Services is subject to the terms of this Privacy Policy and our Terms and Conditions. If you don’t accept these terms, please stop using them immediately.

How you use our website?

We may also collect information about the way in which you use our website. This is to help improve our delivery and determine which areas are of interest to clients.
> enabling you to access and use the Services;
> personalising and improving aspects of our Services;
> research (such as analysing market trends and customer demographics); and
> communicating with you about your use of our Services.

Who are we?

 We have 3 people working to deliver this online service. You can see their profiles in the appropriate section.

Sam Sari is the person who was inspired to start this online trading course. Sam believes his journey to becoming a trader and his success rate can be taught to others and hence why he was inspired to do this.

A bit about Sam’s background.

Previously a Senior IT ManagerConsultant. In his latest position, he was responsible for managing senior IT engineers and consultants working for a large IT firm to deliver managed outsourced services. Amongst many responsibilities, it included managing people, motivating them and also ensuring staff maintained their technical proficiency as technology does not stop evolving, especially in the Information Technology space. So, this aspect of his career had confluence to understand people, how they respond and how to communicate in order for them to understand the task at hand.

The Vision:

Start small, get everything working well and then plan the next phase. We are looking to a) get this site working well b) as money comes in, we will spend that back into the site for more enhance video recordings or presentations. We will constantly review our delivery and make sure we improve on it as we get better in understanding what people’s needs are (our clients).

Sam’s journey as a trader.
Sam has always wanted to work for himself for he always made others look good because he did things well. Here is an example.
” I was given responsibility to run a team at a client site because the team and its leadership were failing to deliver and the outsoursing contract was at risk. Senior management asked me to take the role of the team leader and help save the contract worth millions a year. I didn’t want to do it for it takes alot of effort to fix things, especially 3 years in. I was also more interested in the current role as a DR project manager, planning and coordinating yearly DR exercises. To make the long story short, I did it as another project. I gave myself 1 year to turn it around.
I looked at the team, totally demoralized as they were mismanaged and in some cases ignored or isolated by their present team lead and the service delivery manager who didn’t understand or want to understand. Both those roles were then vacated as we had to change many things to save the account.
I took it on myself to sit down with every individual, understand their role and what they saw as problems and potential solutions. I then made a skill matrix, aligning up what people’s technical skill bases were, what they were doing and what they wanted to do.
The key point to all this, I noted that many of local knowledge and skills or access required was not documented. So it became a issue when someone wasn’t present. What I then proceeded to do was create a wiki site, with sections and chapters where information had to be captured or recorded. It was also to help me understand what the environment was that we managed. Over time, I got people to fill in the sections and 6 months later, we were having a higher efficiency, more time to do other things because now we had reference material which any engineer could look up and perform a task, as long as they had access.

He had a rough start to learning how to trade and through his journey, he formalised a method that works for him. He is not claiming to invent anything new, however he believes the framework he came up with to trading will deliver a successful approach for it works for him and the 2 other people he help train up to join this small company.

How you use our website?

We may also collect information about the way in which you use our website. This is to help improve our delivery and determine which areas are of interest to clients.
> enabling you to access and use the Services;
> personalising and improving aspects of our Services;
> research (such as analysing market trends and customer demographics); and
> communicating with you about your use of our Services.

How you use our website?

We may also collect information about the way in which you use our website. This is to help improve our delivery and determine which areas are of interest to clients.
> enabling you to access and use the Services;
> personalising and improving aspects of our Services;
> research (such as analysing market trends and customer demographics); and
> communicating with you about your use of our Services.