A few things we’re great at
This section is to make it easier for you to navigate this site and find relevant information.
The listed items below include additional information and training material where you can read and view videos to add to your repertoire as a trader as part of our service offering.
Note: Many of the listed items is based on your subscription profile.
* = paid subscription access
Definitions and Industry Terms
This section contains industry terms and their definitions as well as a glossary for short hand or abbreviations that means something. Its something you will pick up along the way but if you don’t, here is where you go to find what they stand for or what they mean.
The Templates and Cheatsheets
This section contains templates for ATAS, QUANTOWER, EXOCHARTS and TradingVIew Scripts
Trading Examples*
This section has well documented examples of real trades and what takes part in a trade (from only 2 exchanges). The whole point is so you can understand how to make a trade from start to finish. We also demonstrate where to buy and where to sell and where to put your stops, to manage your risks. These are covered in the training courses but here, we have more detailed, live trades.
Additional Strategies
There are other methods to trading and this section is to introduce you to them. However these are not part of the subscription courses until we get comfortable to present them as a course.
We also like to master them and put our own brand or method (guidelines and rules) for your understanding.
Reading material and videos
> BTC related content including reports
> Crypto related content
> Wyckoff Theory, Stan Weinstein, Dow Theory, Jessy Livermore
> Patterns and Harmonics
> Price chart elements – Parabolic curves
> Money related topics
Tools and References*
> Reference sources as part of our knowledge base
> Useful Tweeter (X) and Youtube accounts on trading
> Web sites where we leverage useful information
> News feeds
> Exochart, TradingLite, and DEX platforms
> Tradingview: useful indicators for Crypto
Bitcoin Section
Premium Package Subscriber